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City of Hoboken

94 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ, 07030, US



New Water Service Application Process

1. Obtain and complete an application for new domestic and fire service. Available from Veolia or City of Hoboken Engineering Division, 94 Washington Street, Hoboken and on the City’s website ( Application fee is $50 per EDU (see chart on page 2 to determine EDUs) for service sizes larger than 2 inches. Application and fees may only be submitted to City of Hoboken. Fees are payable by check or money order only at this time. Credit cards may be added in the future.

2. The City will forward a copy of the application to Veolia and Veolia will advise the City of the size main to be tapped. If hydrant flow tests are required, Veolia will perform the tests and provide the results to the City. Cost for flow test to be paid to City of Hoboken.

3. City of Hoboken will review the application and any flow tests provided and determine whether the requested flow rate can be accommodated.

If the new service is not approved:
4. If the requested flow rate cannot be accommodated, the City will advise the applicant who may elect to revise and resubmit their application to reduce the requested flow rate or propose improvements to the water system to accommodate the original flow rate. No new application fee shall be required; however, additional fees for flow tests may apply.

If the new service is approved:
4. If the flow rate can be accommodated, the City will advise the applicant and the applicant will pay the required connection fee (which includes the cost for the new water meter) and tapping fee(s) (based on size of main to be tapped). See connection and tapping fees on the following page.

5. The City issues a receipt for payment of connection fee, tapping fees and new meter purchase to the applicant along with a meter permit application via email. The applicant may then have their licensed plumber schedule with Veolia for installation and tapping for the new service line.1 A copy of the receipt will be sent by the City directly to Veolia for verification of payment.

Water Service Meters
6. Once the tap is completed by Veolia, the applicant must contact Veolia within 48 hours via email at and schedule an appointment to install the water meter. It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify residents/businesses of possible service interruption if applicable. Veolia will then update their inventory and create the new account.

***Fees must be paid and permits must be approved before the tap and meter installation can be scheduled***

Please contact City of Hoboken Water Utility at (201) 420‐2000, x4010 if you have any questions regarding the application process. For requisitions regarding service installation inspections, call Veolia at (800) 422‐0141.

(1) A permit from the City of Hoboken Engineering Division is required to open the street or sidewalk for water service installation. An application may be obtained from the City of Hoboken website ( or by email to
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03/25/2025Click to Sign
City/Water Engineer
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