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City of Hoboken

94 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ, 07030, US


City of Hoboken Trash Containerization Exemption Form

On August 23, 2023, Hoboken’s City Council adopted an amended ordinance to containerize garbage to help reduce rodent access to food sources through trash. This updated ordinance took effect on August 24, 2023, and will pertain to all residential or mixed-use properties with 10 or fewer units, as well as properties with greater than 10 units. The ordinance states that all properties are required to store trash in containers with tight-fitting lids when at the curb for collection and while stored between collections.

The City of Hoboken has initiated a program that will consider granting a 1-year exemption from the ordinance for applicants that can demonstrate an inability to comply due to the specific space constraints of their property.

Exemption Filing Rules: 
  1. Applicant must be either the responsible agent or owner of the property that is seeking a 1-year exemption. Tenants may not apply for an exemption.
  2. Exemptions will be reviewed based on specifics associated with the space constraints of the property.
  3. Consideration for an exemption will only be made for properties that are able to properly identify a space constraint that does not allow room for the storage of an ordinance-compliant garbage container on the property.
  4. The applicant must provide a detailed narrative, along with photo evidence, that describes the property’s space constraints and why compliance with the City’s updated ordinance is infeasible. Please provide no more than 3 photos.
  5. The exemption will only be effective for 1 year from the date it is granted. Prior to the end of the exception period, the applicant will need to make necessary efforts to become compliant with the ordinance as of the expiration date of the exemption.
  6. If the property is granted an exemption, all bags used to secure trash must be ordinance-approved and placed at the curb in accordance with the garbage collection schedule. If these rules are violated, the exemption may be revoked.
    1. Please note: Disposable garbage bags must be used with rodent repellent and at least 1.1 mils thick, or if the garbage bags do not have rodent repellent, the bags must be at least 3 mils thick. If these plastic bags are utilized, the garbage must be stored indoors between collections.

In certain cases, the City may need to make a site visit to the property in review to adequately assess whether it meets the criteria for an exemption. In such instances, site visits will be coordinated with the applicant.

Name of Applicant: (Property Owner or Registered Agent)

Address of Property Seeking Exemption

Upload up to three photos providing evidence of hardship.

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Are you the property owner or registered agent for the property seeking an exemption?

Upload Proof of Ownership (deed)

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Upload Proof of Property Responsibility (property management contract)

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By signing below, the applicant certifies the following:

  1. I am the responsible agent and/or property owner of this property.
  2. I have read the Ordinance Updating Chapters 110 Garbage, Rubbish, and Litter for Rodent Mitigation to Clarify the Application of New Regulations.
  3. If an exemption is granted, I will comply with all bag requirements. I understand that noncompliance with bag requirements will lead to the exception being revoked.
  4. I understand that the exemption expires one year from the date the exemption is granted.
  5. I understand that this property must become compliant with the containerization ordinance by the time the exemption expires.
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